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Gallagher Bassett is the world's premier provider of risk and claims management services. In a world where businesses and lives are more globally connected than ever, in a world where the pace of change is ever-accelerating, we stand ready to help organizations and people rise above the challenges of today. And to unlock their best possible tomorrows. The sooner, the better. We believe that – with proper management – a world of risk becomes a world of possibilities. It becomes a world where businesses and organizations are freed to do what they do best. To build. To serve. To move forward. Knowing the responsibilities of today and their people are being cared for. So wherever opportunity and need come next in this world, Gallagher Bassett is there. From Walla Walla, Washington to Wallaroo, South Australia. More than 5,000 of the most dedicated professionals backed by the industry's most powerful technology. Each with a single and powerful purpose: To GUIDE those suffering a loss to the best outcomes for their health and financial wellbeing. To GUARD our clients' assets as the trusted stewards of their risk and claims management programs. To GO BEYOND expectations in the continuous pursuit of a better way. Gallagher Bassett GUIDE. GUARD. GO BEYOND.
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