Get a job referral to St. Mary's Home For Boys
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“Offering a Child a New Beginning Since 1889” Founded in 1889 as an orphanage for abandoned and wayward children, today St. Mary's offer residential treatment and services to at-risk boys between the ages of 10 and 17 who are emotionally disturbed and behaviorally delinquent. The individualized program provides each client with a structured regimen to ensure his successful transition to public school, the community and an appropriate living environment. Adolescent boys of all ethnic heritages and religious backgrounds are accepted. St. Mary's treatment modality encompasses a Cognitive Behavioral Interpersonal Program supported by a Token Economy System. Each client's treatment plan can include the following components: • Individual and Group Therapy/Medical Management • Individual and Group Counseling • Family Counseling/Parent Training Sessions • Individual Skill Training • Juvenile Sex Awareness Program addressing treatment needs of clients, i.e., sex education, empathy, values, victimization, thinking errors, offense cycles and relapse prevention. • Survivor's Program addressing those boys with identifiable physical and sexual abuse histories. • Drug and Alcohol Program • Juvenile Firesetters Program • Intellectual advancement through individualized instruction. • Physical development stressing cooperation and sportsmanship. • Emotional development geared to control impulses and anger. • Social development increasing acceptable behavior skills. • Spiritual development under a Judeo-Christian environment teaching strong moral convictions, respect for others and value clarification. • Transition and Aftercare Services
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